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A very difficult Design Team Entry! BEWARE!

13 Jul

I am submitting yet, ANOTHER, entry for a Design Team.  This one is for an AMAZING blog called Dirty Scraps.  Now, before you go getting all up in a tizzy, this means DIRT, like LIFE’S NITTY GRITTIES.  Not dirty like YUCK/VILE!

Here was the Challenge:

“Challenge #13 (Lucky 13 LOL)

Most people have a love hate relationship with their body, there are parts they LOVE and parts they HATE or both!
Maybe your toes are sweet as cherry pie, or your hair is less than model-rific?
Choose a topic and scrap your love/hate relationship. You will be surprised at how many others feel the same way or struggle with body/self esteem issues.”

You need to go visit the blog to see some of the Design Team pages already up and posted.  Here is my take on the challenge.  WARNING, not for the FAINT of HEART!

Upper Half of page:

Lower Half of Page:

One last look!

Well…what do you think?