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How to make NEW, altered!

15 Nov

Last month was my birthday.  I got a lovely gift from my Visiting Teacher…that MIGHT have been my only gift that day?  I can’t remember. (Not talking about all my CYBER wishes!!)   Hey my birthday is still going…I just got ANOTHER FAB gift from a dear friend (who also does my hair..)  She gave me the best combo of hair stuff!..So by no means, am I complaining…anyhow..before I get myself in trouble…let me just say, part of my gift from my VT was some really cute little candles.

I could have left them alone…but I added some wow, and now I want them out in the open all the time!!

I did these for a challenge posted on

Here is my 1st BEFORE candle:


Here are my AFTER alteration process.



Here is my 2nd candle BEFORE:

Here is the AFTER alteration!

You will have to forgive me for so many pictures of the last candle.  I used a lot of sentimental stuff on it.  The beaded cherries were a bracelet that my oldest son made.  There was some irregularity in it and he did not want it, so he made me another one.  I told him NOOOO, don’t throw it away…and now it is part of my candle holder.  The other sentimental item is the dangling heart charm.  That was a little necklace that my 6-year-old made in ITCHY ribbon that I could not bear to wear, so now it is part of my necklace.  So, what do you think?  What do you have lying around that you could alter?  Christmas is coming, what can you re purpose, redo and give to some one to re-love?  Think about it!