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Look what you can own!!

20 Oct

This is a quick post for the day!  I am adding things to my ETSY store.  I will try to get more variety in there for you.  Things you can make yourself, things finished for you.  I can take orders.  The HYBRID CARDS can be customized to fit your needs.  Buy one, buy a set?  Think Christmas?  Mother in law?  Best Friend? Boss?  Let me know if you have any special requests!

Also..DONNA……DONNA… DONNA WOODS!!!!  You are the winner of the personalized alphabet letter…hmmm I wonder WHO we could make a letter for….let’s think..newly PINK????

Please contact me and let me know.






Here are the ones I have made from the BEACH BOY line.



Hybrid Cards were made from THE LOLLIPOP PRESS DIGI lines.  The BFF and the BEACH BOY lines.  I can customize these for you however you might need them.  Ok..that’a all for today!!  Bye and have a great sleep!!


View the slide show to see everything I added to my ETSY store today.


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