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Just a little something…

15 Sep

A couple of weeks ago I was asked if I could make a really FANCY card for an anniversary.

Hmmm, is that something I could do?  Well of course!

The “husband” said, she is from a tropical place, and loves flowers and get this…LADYBUGS!!

Oh, I can do ladybug cards alright and he said I could go HEAVY on the ladybugs, so I did!

This is a Tri-Fold card, this is the front.


This is opening up the front piece.


A close up of the color papers and ladybugs;)


This is the inside of the card with his message..


This is on the card side, that is on the left of the message area.


This is on the card side, that is on the right of the message area.


This is the back of the card.


He wanted a large card.  So this ended up measuring 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.

What do you think.  When I delivered it, he was all smiles and gave me such a nice compliment. He said he could tell by looking at the card, I really enjoy what I do.

He is right, making things, especially for others, yep, that is where it’s at!

I hope you enjoyed this special card, it really was quite a masterpiece.

Thanks for stopping by and have a terrific week.

Glittered Roses Artisan Week

2 Dec

This week I am the featured ARTISAN on Glittered Roses Facebook Page

Glittered Roses creates and supports handmade. When you know the creator, you know the passion. When you know the passion you know the care it took. Promoting partners in such a diverse community rather it be a retailer that provides products or an individual who does the construction, highlighting the unique aspect of handmade businesses through social media is a great way to bring information forward. This week you will have an opportunity to take a look at my business and the crafts the I create by hand. Be sure and stop by Deirdre’s page and let her know I sent you.

I do have to say I am more of a crafter for giving than for financial gain.  I have yet to figure out how to make it all work to make money doing what I love.  But, I am here today to show you some of the past thing’s I’ve recently done.  I am mainly a paper crafter, and oh boy do I love paper!!

These are some Sugar Plum Fairy Baby’s First Birthday card I did .


Cards are easy to personalize for people, even over the internet.


Here is what the insides of all the cards looked like.

take 2 no address

I am lucky enough to work a craft store in the area  live in.   It is called Ben Franklin Crafts and Frames.  It has been owned by the same family since their opening, 40 years ago.

You should visit our Facebook Page.  Ben Franklin Crafts and Frames-Grass Valley

These are some Washi Tape Cards I am going to teach a class on after the 1st of the year.


Washi tape, it might me another addiction for me.




This card here, the little girls are made out of popsicle sticks, wrapped in Washi Tape.


There you have it.  My handmade post for today.  I hope you will go to the Glittered Roses Page and check out all the fabulous crafters who have shared their talent over the past weeks.

Have a great day!

It’s 11:45pm, what are you doing???

10 Nov

Well, while most of you are probably getting your beauty sleep, I was putting the finishing touches on a card that was a custom request.

A friend needed a card for a specific need and this post is for her.  So what do you think?

Rosie the Riveter


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Ok, now I am really off to bed.

Too bad my brain will not stop coming up with new things I want to make!

Look what you can own!!

20 Oct

This is a quick post for the day!  I am adding things to my ETSY store.  I will try to get more variety in there for you.  Things you can make yourself, things finished for you.  I can take orders.  The HYBRID CARDS can be customized to fit your needs.  Buy one, buy a set?  Think Christmas?  Mother in law?  Best Friend? Boss?  Let me know if you have any special requests!

Also..DONNA……DONNA… DONNA WOODS!!!!  You are the winner of the personalized alphabet letter…hmmm I wonder WHO we could make a letter for….let’s think..newly PINK????

Please contact me and let me know.






Here are the ones I have made from the BEACH BOY line.



Hybrid Cards were made from THE LOLLIPOP PRESS DIGI lines.  The BFF and the BEACH BOY lines.  I can customize these for you however you might need them.  Ok..that’a all for today!!  Bye and have a great sleep!!


View the slide show to see everything I added to my ETSY store today.


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My Theresa project

21 Jun

I have a side job. (I know, big surprise)  I work at a local gym, doing all the management and billing, fun stuff like that.  One of our personal trainers needed some GENERIC cards that she could use when needing to send a card to client for different occasions.  Such as, encouragement, thank – you, etc.  The bathing suit card is made on my Cricut.  I used an SVG file I purchased from TOMIANNIE on ETSY: Here is a set of cards I came up with.  I am still waiting to hear how she like them!  ~ Jeannie

One card from the set.

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